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Our Catalog

Our events are from the Course Catalog.
Select the course below that interests you to see a detailed overview.

Different types of first responders including paramedics, military personnel, firefighters

Peer Support

This course is for Emergency Responders. A skill building program for individuals interested in getting certified as Emergency Responder Peer Support Mentors (PSM). 

Different types of first responders including paramedics, military personnel, firefighters

Haunted: EMDR Therapy for Emergency Responders and Public Safety Personnel

A course for mental health professionals. Learn to use EMDR therapy for emergency responders as well as unique concerns with this population.

Different types of first responders including paramedics, military personnel, firefighters

One Badge, One Brain, One Life

This course is for Emergency Responders. Learn to improve your brain fitness as you confront the difficulties you may face on the front lines of your profession.

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Upcoming Events

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